Integrated Energy Systems

Within the framework of the primary focus areas, the Integrated Energy Systems Innovation Forum focuses on the complex interactions of power, gas, heat and transport informed by the policy, organisational, economic, technological and social challenges (POETS) to accelerate the transition to net zero. PNDC’s forthcoming co-located thermal, hydrogen and electrical facility, due to be operational in 2024, will provide a unique capability to demonstrate, monitor, and validate an individual technology on its own, along with the wider system on which the innovative solution will be deployed.

Innovation Areas


Impact of multi-vector decarbonisation on electricity networks

Real life trials exploring the potential of multi-vector energy storage, consumer perceptions and perspectives of Demand Side Response (DSR)

Cold start using distributed assets

Impact of electrolysers and fuel cells on grid and vice-versa and the interactions between multiple co-located power electronic assets

Hydrogen for heating

Synthetic fuels

Related News & Case Studies

Innovation Themes