Advancement of
Power NetworksAdvancement of Power Networks focuses primarily on accelerating and de-risking innovations that support the significant changes in electricity generation and demand characteristics resulting from the net zero transition. Particular focus will continue to be placed on solutions that increase power systems robustness and security, support the digitalisation of the entire power network sector, and facilitate the greater flexibility and participation of demand-side innovations in the energy transition.
of TransportDecarbonisation of Transport focuses primarily on accelerating and de-risking novel low carbon transport systems for land, marine and aero transport sectors. This covers vehicle charging infrastructure innovations and onboard systems, focusing on new electric drive trains and onboard systems, including fuel cells, batteries, and power electronics, machines and drives (PEMD) components. Advancement of electric vehicle grid integration and energy system flexibility is another central component of this focus area.
of HeatDecarbonisation of Heat focuses primarily on accelerating and de-risking novel low carbon heating solutions, both at large scale (e.g. zero carbon CHP, district heating schemes, hydrogen for heating) and at a smaller scale, addressing the domestic/small commercial scale markets (e.g. heat pumps, hydrogen boilers, solar thermal), with a focus on integrating novel low carbon heating technologies into the wider energy system, their control and scheduling, and the impact of consumer behaviour on technology development.
Innovation Theme Forums
PNDC promotes knowledge sharing and project co-creation to maximise benefits and learning across all its partners. Within the framework of the Focus Areas, several Innovation Forums provide a focus for discussion and engagement between PNDC, its partners, University academics, and other external stakeholders on specific technical and innovation topics, providing a platform for knowledge exchange, driving collaborative working, stimulating innovation and avoiding duplication of innovation investments.
Strategic Advisory Boards
While the Strategic Advisory Boards are not decision-making bodies in the traditional sense, they play a crucial role in shaping strategic decisions. Comprised of sector/domain experts from industry, government, academia, and other research organisations, these boards are recognised for their expertise in each focus area, and their insights are highly valued in the decision-making process. In addition to being a major source of knowledge and insight, the Boards actively identify and address technology challenges and policy gaps. By doing so, they help prevent potential delays in the achievement of government strategies, making them a crucial forum for signalling and addressing sectoral challenges and maximising opportunities.
The value of Strategic Advisory Boards to PNDC partners
The Boards influence and steer the priority areas of PNDC innovation activity that provide the most opportunity to add value to the energy and transport sectors and engage directly with policymakers in areas of strategic importance to support the net-zero transition.
Through exchanging ideas and challenging preconceptions, the Boards guide PNDC and its partners in how they should be developing capabilities to accelerate whole energy system decarbonisation and grow the resilience of the UK supply chain.
The advice and guidance from the Boards also inform decision-making regarding the external economic, regulatory, and policy landscapes and their likely evolution and the external innovation landscape, including the identification of high-opportunity innovation needs and innovation delivery mechanisms.
The Boards signpost key milestones that impact the future direction of the sector and the development of the associated supply chain and highlight associated opportunities for PNDC and its partners to contribute to the maturing of the ecosystem.
Potential collaboration and partnership opportunities are identified alongside funding mechanisms that could be accessed to support innovation activity and support wider operational and capital investment.
The identification of evolving stakeholder and market requirements ensures alignment and complementarity with other innovation facilities in Scotland and the wider UK, where specific innovation topics and innovation programme opportunities are considered as new activities participation.