Commercial Team

  • Dan Cutting

    Dan Cutting LinkedIn icon

    Head of Business Development

    Dan is an accomplished engineer with a track record of successful collaboration, design delivery and project management of complex engineering projects. He leads the growth of the Decarbonisation of Transport focus area at PNDC and, as Head of Driving the Electric Revolution Industrialisation Centres – Scotland (DER-IC – Scotland), his expertise includes technologies enabling zero emissions transport (on-vehicle and infrastructure) within aerospace, HGV, marine, rail and electric vehicles.

  • Kara Hazelgrave

    Kara Hazelgrave LinkedIn icon

    Innovation Engagement Manager

    As Innovation Engagement Manager at PNDC, Kara supports the development of innovative ideas and projects aligned to PNDC’s core programme focus areas of Advancement of Power Networks and Decarbonisation of Heat. With over a decade of experience working in industry, including asset planning, regulation, data governance and R&D, Kara moved across to academia in 2013 to help accelerate knowledge transfer and now leads innovation engagement at PNDC.

  • Ronnie Gardiner

    Ronnie Gardiner LinkedIn icon

    Innovation Engagement Officer

    Ronnie previously worked in PNDC’s engineering support team, commissioning projects on the centre’s HV & LV test network, before transitioning to a business development role after achieving an MSc with distinction in Economics & Policy of Energy & Climate Change from the University of Strathclyde. Ronnie links academia and industry through knowledge exchange and collaboration with industry-facing partners within PNDC’s Advancement of Power Networks and Decarbonisation of Heat focus areas.

  • William Monteith

    William Monteith LinkedIn icon

    Innovation Engagement Officer

    William supports innovative organisations to accelerate the commercialisation of their renewable technologies and services through R&D testing, primarily within PNDC’s Decarbonisation of Transport focus area and related innovation themes. After achieving an MSc with distinction in Sustainable Engineering: Renewable Energy Systems & Environment, William worked at ETP helping link academia and industry through collaborative knowledge exchange funding within Power Network Integration & Smart-Grid Technologies theme before joining PNDC.

  • Georgy Davis

    Georgy Davis LinkedIn icon

    Bids & Proposal Development Officer

    Georgy comes from a strong background in community owned renewable energy systems working in South Africa, Malawi and Scotland. She has acquired experience in the private and third sectors as well as working for a not for profit energy supply company. In her spare time Georgy enjoys sharing her love of surfing, music and travel with her young son.

  • Rachael Fowler

    Rachael Fowler LinkedIn icon

    Bid & Research Proposal Officer

    Rachael is an experienced bid and proposal officer having previously worked in similar research-supporting roles at the University of Edinburgh. Rachael’s role is split between PNDC and the Institute of Energy and Environment (InstEE) and encompasses managing the portfolio of cross-cutting bids involving InstEE and PNDC and the Decarbonising Transport portfolio within PNDC. In her free time, Rachael hones her bid writing and management skills as a volunteer proposal writer within the third sector.

  • Kat Randall

    Kat Randall LinkedIn icon

    Bid & Research Proposal Officer

    Kat is part of the commercial team at PNDC, helping to shape proposals by supporting the research teams for both funded and commercial projects. Kat brings over ten years of experience to the team, having worked as bid manager/coordinator within a variety of sectors, including architecture, engineering and user-centred design/service design. During her spare time, she is a yoga teacher, illustrator and countryside enthusiast.

  • Marketing & Communications Lead

    Steven Forbes LinkedIn icon

    Marketing & Communications Lead

    Steven developed his global marketing and branding experience as COO of a digital marketing and web services company, working in Australia, the UAE and Ireland. Adding to his BSc (Hons) in Media Technology, he achieved an MSc with distinction in Digital Marketing Management from Strathclyde Business School. Steven showcases PNDC’s world-class facilities and evolving capabilities through omnichannel content marketing and communications.

  Meet the rest of the team