R&D Team

  • Dr Ibrahim Abdulhadi

    Dr Ibrahim Abdulhadi LinkedIn icon

    Lead R&D Engineer

    Ibrahim has 10+ years’ experience working in electrical engineering research and development focusing on the experimental validation of smart grid technologies for national and international markets. As a Lead R&D Engineer at PNDC and Senior Knowledge Exchange Fellow at the University of Strathclyde, Ibrahim leads the Digital Substation and Protection and Control innovation themes, advancing power networks and technologies for the future energy system.

  • Dr Priya Bhagavathy

    Dr Priya Bhagavathy LinkedIn icon

    Lead R&D Engineer

    Priya is a Chartered Engineer with 15+ years of experience in energy system. As a Lead R&D Engineer in Whole Energy System, her key role is to develop and deliver a portfolio of technical research and innovation projects in whole energy system and Hydrogen. Her research focusses on the integration of heat and transport into the electricity vector and the role of hydrogen in the transition to net-zero.

  • Dr Kinan Ghanem

    Dr Kinan Ghanem LinkedIn icon

    Lead R&D Engineer

    As a Senior R&D Engineer with 20 years of experience in communications technologies, Kinan leads the Communications & Cyber Security innovation theme at PNDC, accelerating the development and deployment of novel communications systems and solutions for the smart grid in collaboration with government, industry and academia. He holds a Masters and PhD in communications engineering. His main hobbies are walking and volleyball.

  • Dr Kyle Jennett

    Dr Kyle Jennett LinkedIn icon
    PhD MEng

    Lead R&D Engineer

    As a lead R&D engineer at PNDC and Senior Knowledge Exchange Fellow at the University of Strathclyde, Kyle leads the Future Control Room innovation theme, accelerating the development and deployment of innovative power networks and control systems. His research interests include real-time simulation, ship power systems, distribution ancillary services, and future power systems encompassing converter interfaces and energy storage.

  • Ryan Sims

    Ryan Sims LinkedIn icon

    Lead R&D Engineer

    Ryan is an electrical engineer with 15+ years’ experience working in the smart grid and e-mobility industries. He holds a Masters in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering and has worked in a variety of systems integration, product, and industrial R&D roles. As Lead R&D Engineer, Ryan leads a team of engineers to deliver industrial research and testing projects for PNDC’s industry partners, focussing on electric vehicles, flexibility and demand side response.

  • Andreas Avras

    Andreas Avras LinkedIn icon
    MEng MIET

    R&D Engineer

    Andreas is a smart grid research engineer working within the Advanced Power and Control Systems team. His research areas include Naval Powers Systems, Energy Storage Systems, Grid Forming Converters, Geographically Distributed Real-time Simulations (GD-RTS), and Power Hardware in the Loop (PHIL). Andreas has co-authored several research papers, including the experimental assessment and validation of inertial behaviour of virtual synchronous machines.

  • Dr Soumia Ayyadi

    Dr Soumia Ayyadi LinkedIn icon

    R&D Engineer

    Soumia has 6 years in developing EV smart charging strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of EV charging on the electrical network. Soumia investigates the future of power systems with high EV numbers, the optimal location to install the EV infrastructure by considering the EV user’s behaviour and the headroom of the electrical network also how DNOs can use EVs as a key part of the transition to net zero.

  • Dr Anish Babu

    Dr Anish Babu LinkedIn icon

    R&D Engineer

    Anish is an experienced research engineer working within the Electrification of Transport team. His current research focusses on electric vehicle charging infrastructure, demand side response and energy storage systems, working towards transition to net zero. Anish did his Masters and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, focussing on measurement and instrumentation, sensors and wireless power transfer.

  • Edward Corr

    Edward Corr LinkedIn icon

    Senior R&D Engineer

    Edward leads up the asset management theme at PNDC. His research interests include full scale integration testing, de-risking novel network equipment, widescale data capture, LVDC applications, asset life assessment and the behaviour of conventional network equipment in future operating scenarios. Edward has a masters in Electrical and Mechanical engineering and his PhD studies considered the behaviour of partial discharge activity under DC conditions.

  • Allan Downie

    Allan Downie

    R&D Engineer

    Allan received a BEng (Hons) 1st class in Electronic and Electrical Engineering in July 2016 from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. As an R&D engineer at PNDC, Allan is part of the MOD research program and a member of the Advanced Power and Controls team. His research interests include power system analysis and modelling, real time simulation, energy storage and power hardware in the loop studies.

  • Lewis Hunter

    Lewis Hunter LinkedIn icon
    PhD MEng MIET

    Research Associate

    As a member of the ‘Electrification of Transport’ team, Lewis specialises in the planning and deployment of charging points, development of open-data architectures and testing of V2X (vehicle-to-everything) chargepoint solutions. He has expertise in managing DNO connections, grid capacity assessments, hardware testing and system control. Lewis regularly shares his work with a global audience, including academic researchers, industry experts, policymakers and governments.

  • Magnus R. Jamieson

    Dr Magnus R. Jamieson

    Research Associate

    Magnus is a researcher specialising in power system resilience and extreme weather impacts, from transmission scale to microgrids. His recent research has included modelling and visualisation of risk on transmission systems during storms and modelling of cascading outages. Magnus also has a strong interest in the environment, and more specifically the industrial redevelopment of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.

  • Shafiqa Keddar

    Shafiqa Keddar LinkedIn icon

    R&D Engineer

    Shafiqa is an R&D Engineer at PNDC with a BSc in Electric and Electrical Engineering and an MSc in Renewable Energy Engineering, and she completed her PhD at the University of Strathclyde. Shafiqa’s expertise includes future power networks and smart grids with advanced levels of technical abilities in power system planning development, technical challenges of EV charging, Demand Side Management and techno-economic analysis and analytic skills required for the transition to low-carbon electricity networks.

  • Dr Calum Mackinnon

    Dr Calum Mackinnon LinkedIn icon

    R&D Engineer

    Calum’s PhD investigates condition monitoring approaches for high voltage direct current systems for baseload interconnection, with a focus on capacitors. He is a software engineer by background with 5 years’ industry experience, and has interests in the translation of information technology to the energy sector. Calum is a member of continuous improvement, outreach, and interdisciplinary professional networks, and in his free time enjoys the outdoors, reading, and travel.

  • Joe Melone

    Joseph Melone LinkedIn icon

    Senior R&D Engineer

    Joe is part of the Whole Energy Systems team at PNDC, currently focussing on developing model power distribution networks and systems using PNDC’s real time digital simulator system, and delivering unique testing capability for the diverse technical solutions which will be integrated in the low carbon energy system of the future. In his free time he enjoys playing saxophone and piano.

  • Dr Max Parker

    Dr Max Parker
    EngD MEng MIET

    Senior R&D Engineer

    Max leads the Power Electronics, Machines & Drives (PEMD) innovation theme, accelerating the development and deployment of low carbon technologies and propulsion systems within PNDC’s Decarbonisation of Transport focus area. He joined PNDC in 2021, following 10 years in academic research on the main university campus, in a variety of fields relating to power electronics including wind and marine energy, and DC transmission and distribution systems.

  • Dr Callum Rae

    Dr Callum Rae LinkedIn icon
    PhD MEng MIET

    Senior R&D Engineer

    Callum is a mechanical engineer with a background in decarbonised energy systems evaluation. Since completing his PhD in 2016, he has developed his knowledge and expertise through working in consultancy and academia. As a senior R&D Engineer in PNDC’s Whole Energy Systems team, his role focuses on the testing, development and deployment of innovative decarbonised heating systems and technologies.

  • Cephas Samende

    Cephas Samende LinkedIn icon
    DPhil BEng

    R&D Engineer

    Cephas has a DPhil in Engineering Science from the University of Oxford and a BEng in Electrical Machines and Power Systems Engineering from the University of Zambia. He is active in the areas of energy access, local energy markets, and multi-vector energy systems. Cephas now helps to enrich PNDC’s portfolio in whole energy systems, focusing on grid integration of energy systems, live network testing, and real-time power system simulation.

  • Dr Stephen Ugwuanyi

    Dr Stephen Ugwuanyi LinkedIn icon

    R&D Engineer

    As an R&D Engineer within the Communications and Cyber Security Innovation Theme, Stephen collaborates with industry and academic partners to deliver high-value research and knowledge exchange projects. While part of his role involves accelerating innovation and delivering real-world projects across the energy ecosystem, he also ensures that projects satisfy the future energy network requirements, which must be sustainable, resilient, reliable and secure.

  Meet the rest of the team