The smart grid is one of the most significant applications of the next-generation communication networks, i.e. 5G/LTE, SD-WAN. MPLS, Fibre networks and IoT etc. As information and communication technologies (ICT) along with Cloud integration developed and applied in traditional power systems, the need for improvement in smart grid cyber-physical-systems (CPS) is increasing exponentially. Smart grid systems are critical infrastructures, also they have complex architectures and include critical end-node devices for real-time data monitoring.
Any malfunction in these critical infrastructures can lead to national security deficits, disruption of public services, and loss of life or large-scale economic damage when the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the communication is broken down. These huge systems may be vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Therefore, there is a lot of research effort to enhance smart grid security in industry, government, and academia.
This theme focuses on next-generation communication frameworks, cyber-attacks, and provide in-depth knowledge of security and privacy in smart grids. Particularly, we concentrate on the discussion and examination of network vulnerabilities, resilience, attack countermeasures, and security requirements. We aim to supply a deep understanding of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and solutions and give a guide on future research directions for cyber-security in smart grid applications.