PNDC welcomed three Nuffield Research Placements as part of the 2023 summer placement programme co-ordinated by SSERC. The students are undertaking three projects supervised by PNDC.
Maximum Power Point Tracking – Jorge, supervised by Calum Mackinnon.
Electric Vehicle Technologies – Hanan, supervised by Soumia Ayyadi.
Smart Energy Monitoring System – Rayan, supervised by Stephen Ugwuanyi.
Nuffield Research Placements
Nuffield Research Placements are designed to inspire the next generation, by opening scientific research to young people presently between S5 and S6, through two weeks’ experience of life in a professional research centre. By building awareness of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, this initiative lets young people explore their options before applying to UCAS.
Last summer, PNDC were joined by Jagdeep (pictured below), who wrote a tour guide which was used to introduce this year’s cohort to PNDC’s high-voltage compound.
“It is a privilege to host this initiative. The young people who give up their time to participate are enthusiastic and invariably a pleasure to work with. They remind us about the bigger picture of why we focus on sustainability at PNDC, all while aligned with the University’s ethos and statements of the AR6.”