PNDC have been working with Triphase to expand our existing Power Hardware in the Loop (PHIL) test capability. this has created flexibility of the Triphase platform and the ease of experiment setup that it provides and helping expand our platform for test projects across a diverse range of applications.
PNDC had a kick-off project planned, where they wanted to test a flywheel energy storage system for retrofitting into existing naval power systems. The test required generating a bidirectional DC voltage to supply the flywheel inverter as the device under test (DUT). The voltage supplied to the DUT had to be adjusted dynamically based on a closed loop RTDS simulation of the complete electrical naval grid.
Solution Configuration
Triphase developed and built a multifunctional and flexible power conversion system suitable for a wide range of operation modes:
- 500 kVA bidirectional AC grid emulator
- 500 kW, -1300 to 1300V bidirectional DC supply (voltage and current source)
- 500 kVA soft open point
- 1 MVA active front end / filter
- 500 kW, 0 to 1300V bidirectional battery interface
The power conversion system is realized using Triphase’s modular power system (PMx) product line. The proposed system consists of 12 inverters, but can be expanded at any time to increase power or current ratings or provide additional functionality. As a result of the PMx approach, switching between the operation modes listed above does not require any hardware changes, PNDC only has to reconfigure the software and connections. All operation modes are controllable directly in Matlab/Simulink, via the provided user interface or through RTDS via a direct real-time optical fibre link. As the software is open, new applications and test scenarios can be added on the fly, either supplied by Triphase or programmed by PNDC personnel.
The PNDC centre is continuing to grow as is the range and breadth of research areas being undertaken at the facility with the Triphase system. The projects range from replacing ship to shore demonstrators, to technology for interfacing energy storage to ship power systems, and onto evaluating the impact of futuristic load requirements. The research areas are not only in the naval domain, their Triphase projects have expanded to cover land utility based systems including evaluating power quality in hybrid, solar and diesel power systems. PNDC uses the system on a daily basis to support projects, transitioning from a few applications to more than seven different types including:
- Naval Power System Power Hardware in the Loop studies
- Solar hybrid power system testing
- Phase balancing technologies
- Inverter penetration impact studies for the system operator
- Power quality, phase balancing and energy saving technology testing
- Studies for emulating a fixed impedance load
- Studies for creating loads with large harmonic content
- Support of the ERIGrid program: Users from research, academia and industry are invited to apply for free access to top European smart grids research laboratories of ERIGrid partners. (including the PNDC)