Welcome to the University information on equalities and physical access. Here you will find useful information that will enable you to plan your access around the campus and find out about particular support available to meet your needs.
Physical Access
Information on physical access to University buildings and how to report issues.
The University launched its DisabledGo webpages on 3rd December 2012.
The DisabledGo website provides detailed information about accessing different University buildings. The information on this website enables you to plan ahead and ensure your accessible needs are met when planning route, identifying access to and within buildings, toilet facilities and car parking facilities.
Issues with Physical Access on campus
If you experience an issue with physical access anywhere on campus, please email: physicalaccess@strath.ac.uk where a member of Estates staff will be able to help.
Equality and Diversity
The University of Strathclyde is committed to achieving and promoting equality of opportunity in its learning, teaching, research and working environments, and to ensuring these environments support positive relations between people, and a culture of respect. As a provider of employment and education, we value the diversity of our staff and students and are committed to encouraging everyone to realise their full potential.
If you feel you have good practice to share or feel you have been treated unfairly please contact the Equality and Diversity Office:
Room 439A, Graham Hills Building, 50 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1QE
Telephone: +44 (0)141 548 2811
Email: equalopportunities@strath.ac.uk
Web: www.strath.ac.uk/equalitydiversity/
Support for visitors
Visitors should make contact with PNDC or individual staff member they intend to visit to discuss any individual support needs.
Please contact PNDC on the telephone number below.
Telephone: 01236 617161
Support for staff
The University Occupational Health Service works with the Human Resources Office to ensure that any reasonable adjustment and support needs for staff with disabilities are met.
Contact details for the Occupational Health team:
Room GH820 Graham Hills Building, 50 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE
Telephone: 0141 548 2726
Fax: 0141 548 4705
Email: occupationalhealth@strath.ac.uk
Support for students
The Disability Service coordinates support for students who declare a disability or have specific learning difficulty. We encourage all prospective students to come and meet us, explore our campus and facilities and discuss individual support needs.
Contact details for the Disability Service:
Room 4.41, Level 4, Graham Hills Building, 50 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE
Telephone: 0141 548 3402
Minicom: 0141 548 4739
Fax: 0141 548 2414